Breaking Free: The Great Resignation

2 min readJul 7, 2021

Decisions To Be Made

When COVID-19 hit, many businesses found themselves at a crossroads. Option 1, the choice no business wanted to make, was to shut down. The other option was to go remote. For many business owners, the only answer was the latter. Looking back almost a year and a half after COVID brought the world to an abrupt halt, one thing has been made clear. Working from home works.

Worker Shortage

This realization is what caused millions of Americans to leave their jobs. Just as many are having thoughts of quitting or transferring professions, while others plan to leave within the next year. It has been labeled as The Great Resignation, and for good reason. With the efficiency of remote working, it is no surprise that people are refusing to return to the office. Why fall back into the shackles of a 9–5, when there is an entire world of online, remote work available?

Cause For Decline

While at-home work is the appeal for many people, others have different reasons for leaving. Many have found the long hiatus that COVID brought to be just the push they needed to pursue their dream job. Some simply would like to switch from the corporate lifestyle to that of a stay-at-home parent. For a large number of workers, the push to their resignation came from the poor treatment they faced when the pandemic hit full force. Whatever the reason, the numbers continue to grow.

A New Way Of Life

With the in-office incentive low and the remote online base growing, we are bound to see big changes in our future. These changes will appear not only in our online job market but also in the way employers interact with their workers. For those apart of The Great Resignation, the push for change continues. A new way of life is just beyond the horizon.




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